Thrity Jal Vakil serves as Director of Tropic Ventures 1000-acre Sustainable Forestry & Rainforest Enrichment Project in Puerto Rico. 3t has worked on tree-id, selective harvesting, milling, and wood-drying operations for two decades, and in 2015 co-founded Puerto Rico Hardwoods. She has led sixty Earthwatch research teams, and has observed, measured, monitored, and planted, hundreds of trees. An Associate of the Institute of Ecotechnics since 1990, 3t has hands-on experience in a range of fields: ecology, event management, arts, expeditions, and theater. In the mid 90’s she served three years as Assistant to the Expedition Chief on the RV Heraclitus, diving on remote coral reefs in the Red Sea & Indian Ocean and crossing the Atlantic and Mediterranean Oceans. 3t is Fellow of the Linnean Institute, a Fellow of the World Academy of Art & Science, and an accomplished artist.
Tropic Ventures Rainforest Enrichment & Sustainable Forestry Project