We are proud to announce that our affiliated project, Eden in Iraq, has been featured on the UNESCO Global Citizens webpage as one of their top 100 projects across the globe.
Meridel Rubenstein and the Eden in Iraq team, which includes Nature Iraq, the country’s premier environmental NGO, and Dr. Mark Nelson, Chairman of the Institute of Ecotechnics and his collaborators at Wastewater Gardens International, co-created this project with the goal of providing effective sewage treatment for the Marsh Arab community, one of the world’s oldest cultures, in the historic marshes of southern Iraq. Currently untreated sewage endangers both their health and the historic marshes, thought to be the site of the “Gardens of Eden” and a birthplace of Western Civilization. The aim is to transform human wastes into a public Wastewater Garden and cultural heritage park using the power of green plants.

For more information on the history of this project, visit edeniniraq.com
To read the full length UNESCO feature, visit their webpage here.
Photo credit Meridel Rubenstein.